I think the fluoride thing is bothering me. It has for sometime. Everytime it comes up, which is always on my facebook feed, I'm hit with suspicion. I'm often suspisious of things trending, like the juicing trend.*
Its the furor behind it. Don't get me wrong, furor is such an important thing when it comes to societal change. Passion and drive get things done before sloth or laziness.
In my home town they've just gotten rid of fluoride in the water and through out the discussion I've raised a weary eyebrow to it all. But before I let my skepticism say something foolish on facebook (heaven knows there's enough of that as it is) I wanted to do some research. I am not a scientist, I studied History.
Fluoride is an element of the periodic table. It is naturally occurring in water sources in some degree or another. This includes well water If you want more facts on fluoride, then I recommend actually reading all of this document made by the WHO World Health Organization). I know we, in our modern/smart phone facebook era, are used to out snap facts about just about anything, but it is important to read the long documents. For me it boils down to this. Fluoride/sodium fluoride is in everything. It is, in small doses beneficial to teeth. It has yet to have long term side effects on humans proven. **
Those who were involved probably thought they were doing a great thing for they're community. Get involved. Be a part of something.
Of course I would understand this all better if it was really just about the 230, 000 dollars the township will be saving on Fluoride. For some people, they want the freedom to chose. Those who do must boil and purify they're water for forever because the world is full of many more periodic table elements that are happily water soluble and don't need a township, province or country to introduce it to our drinking water.
What was made worrying about it was that two groups of people were being affected by the misinformation and the lack of equal weight of the argument
Perhaps because water is so much more immediate and visible. You MUST drink water, you must wash and rinse in water. More then food, which has become more pleasure than necessity, more than air which is something so easily forgotten because it is not in front of our eyes in a liquid or solid form for us to grasp. Perhaps it is this that creates a furvor behind it. But people must research both sides and it feels like there are forgetting so many other issues because of it.
Again, I'm not a scientist, but the blind following, the lack of questioning, critical thinking behind the whole thing, and leading people to accept that your side is truth, without an proper explanation, without really digging in and researching the information before presenting it. Those that are worried that we are to much sheep to the system, who gather people under broad wings and say, we are the free ones who will guide you. Take the red pill.
But why? Why should I take your red pill?
But why couldn't those preaching fear be equally feared? Why shouldn't they be questions. They will say as much as the government that they are thinking of the people. They pitch their enemy as some green ghoul with long reaching hands coming for your children, like old school propaganda from an innumerable number of wars in our history.
If it were about the corrupt villain of government who is somehow some drooling tyrant, with goblin hands, who wants everyone in the world to be stupid and full of cancer, then I wonder if we're not taking it so far in the other direction, but down the wrong path, like its a silly distraction from more important things. Those who want to be a part of a community, perhaps time would better being spent making sure that it is all sides presented, and the motives of it are genuine.
Perhaps it is there where my skepticism came from. I've seen it before. Doomed to repeat, even at such a small scale. Question everything, no just normal, but what people claim to be strange too.
Don't follow a movement because movements are the thing to do. Perhaps it is just me, but it is all something we must consider.
*juicing is great for those people who's health mandates it, either for digestion issues or serious dental work.
** there's another blog that has plenty of links and discusses the information from both sides. Click here!
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