Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Falls, Eas Chia Aig and the Caledonian Forest

Went on a wee walk to Eas Chia Aig waterfall. Rather then elbow our way through the quick passing tourists and troops of climbers scattered all over Glen Nevis, we decided to try something a little out of the way.

 It was filled with towering Caledonian Pines, a tree that is every bit a part of its landscape, and so distinct, it feels a shame to put the speedy, foreign trees next to it.

The two trees on the left most of the frame are the silhouettes of Caledonian, or Scot Pines. 
Upward View of Scot Pine and the fancy Botanical plate image of one. 

While Walking Highlands indicates its closed for Hydro, its been completely stripped at the crown, left bare with only caved road ways to its peak. Hopefully it is restored. The less traveled ways are the finest ones. Less hurried and choked with the busy humanity we seek to be shook of.

A wee map!

Tree Hands

Man in the woods

Waterfall carvings. The power of water and time.

I like the aniqued look, though the portion of hydro dam put in. Discreet compared to the skinned mountainside out of view.  

Water's edge.

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