Saturday, April 18, 2015

DIY Repainting a Hostel Room

There is a lot of DIY stuff coming up, only because I have to do it myself. This time, though, it was working in the hostel.

Before and After
This week I painted a Hostel Dorm. Funny enough, it was the dorm I lived in for 6 months before getting the manager job, so I have fondness for its brilliant yellow walls, but they had to go. I didn't have the exact colour and the room needed an up date anyway.

I had some awesome help from my good friend Marie, and we had no end of fun and trouble. As you will notice(or not), the ceiling is chip wall paper. It was old and sagging and sagged worse when we applied a fresh code of paint. With a go a head, we pulled it down, chipped the remainder off and repainted on smooth plaster.

It took three solid days of trucking away at it before it was finished, or nearly, one wall still needs plaster but over all its so much fresher looking. I picked white for the walls because in a hostel people get food, gunk and scratch all over the walls, and its tricky and expensive to replace it with funky colours all the time. Funk in some places, too  much funk is no fun.

Want to see the results?

It was fun, though I have to say, the hardest part was working with Gloss paint. Its sticky as all hell. You have to wait a while for it to dry, but once it does, its easy to clean right off and really durable. But again, there was paint everywhere. I was neat about the room, but my skin, hair and nearly everything else attached to me was covered in paint.

The only shame was that I only had 3 days to get it all done. So this means I was unable to have the back wall plastered properly. Its still yellow and waiting for its skim and a paint.

Fun tip: Looking to get rid of glossy paint? Mayonnaise or olive/sunflower oil, no harsh chemicals needed.

Hope you have luck/adventure/success on your own DIY. I'm going to sit on my butt and smile now!

Special thanks to Andy from Up and Doon Guided Walks for covering me so I could get it done while not burning oot! He does some even cooler adventures than me!

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