I like pillows lately. Not just a sack of fluff you ram your head into, but a good looking pillow, with texture, substance and character. They don't always have to be practical, but good looking is important, besides, their just full of fluff!
So I was in Homebase the other day which, for those not living in the UK, is a place where you can buy DIY stuff. Its for any scale of project, and right now my partner is completely renovating is home. Down with the dated, textured wallpaper and up with smooth plaster, bold paint and not carpeted flooring. All I walked out of Homebase with were a few plants and a Pillow, a £14.00 pillow. The thing is I'm not that good at some of the stuff he's been learning and often I'm away at work so the most I've learned is how to pick wallpaper.
If you actually asked me to work some of the stuff, I'd probably cause an accident. |
But! I can sew! I can sew like a master. Stitching, hemming, altering, all those things are at my finger tips, literally, since I only hand stitch. Its a very calming hobby, with audio books or Documentaries playing in the background. I'm no professional, but I really enjoy making stuff myself. Sewing is one of those things I really recommend people learn, its doesn't have to be a hobby, but it can help you in small ways and give a sense of achievement, having fixed something yourself, or even altering things to fix you. Its low cost and in an age where people are starting to look for a way to get back to older more natural roots, making and fixing things by sewing is a good first step.
The first time I made a pillow it was for the hostel. In need new ones and there was no shortage of old, patterned duvets. I made five in total. This one I did a few days ago, kinda a spur of the moment thing, when I found the lacklustre charity shop on the high-street was a secret gold mine for nice fabric for really cheap. It was 40p! Everything else were things I had lying around.
This was the result!
Materials Used:
Cotton/polyester blend Fabric
Sewing Pins
Buttons (Optional)
Pillow Stuffing
I think the two most important pieces of advice I can give when it comes to sewing are these:
1.) Start your project inside out. Pin everything in place, but do it inside out. When you flip it right side out, your seams will disappear. If you want neat seams that don't look cheap then inside out is the way to go.
2.) Small stitches. Make your stitches small and close together. This makes them tight, and your pillow or what ever your making less likely to fall off. Big stitches can be for décor, but if you want something to hold, then small stitches are the way to go.
I found buttons laying around and added three black and two mother of pearl buttons on the bottom fringe. |
So I made a 40p pillow, and it'll sit next to the £14.00 and no one will know the difference. Well... except you!
If you're interested in how to make pillows or even just basic sewing, let me know! I'd love to help!