Thursday, February 5, 2015

Take Your Shot!

As I've said before, I like archery. I find it cathartic. 

I'm about to buy some new cheepy fiber glass arrows, one went under the snow. Firing it into the snow feels like a rookie mistake, and I knew as soon as I watched it skid under that it was gone. But that's how we learn, by our errors. I took Will with me and we did our best to shoot, just for the sake of shooting. After the cheepy fiber glass, I'd like to get some wooden ones. 
The loss of the arrow.
I think when I go shooting next, I'm going to lay out a target. The goal is to hit near it. I didn't say they were lofty goals. I can kind of cluster them now, but I'd like to be able to make the clusters tighter, and figure out how to keep them similar. 

It was nice to go with Will too, he seems to like it and with a heavier bow, he could do some serious damage, or put some real force. I think a heavier bow would help me gain some strength. This one is about has a 20 lbs draw. Something stronger would help me build up my own strength. I need to research more though. Because I'm away to travel after all this, I would like something a little more practical. 

I've also figured out to hold the arrows in my hand, rather than stabbing them into the ground.

I want to be a better archer. Between this and my hundred other ideas, maybe I'll get there! :)

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