Tuesday, January 16, 2018

My TBR Pile

My To-Be_read list was well over due for an update!

The holidays have come and gone like some food and pestulent filled tornado in my life and with it has brought a renewing of life, a budding of a new year on the branch.

I've got a few new titles. I found last year I did far more buying once I moved to the United Kingdom than I did when I was in Canada. I did get a few reads in on the summer, but nothing substantial.

What am I reading?

More of Naomi Novik's Termeriare Series. I've read the second last week and I am on to the third. Nothing beats the Napolionic War But with dragons and a text that feels from the era as well.

My non-fiction read is John Muir's My First Summer in the Sierra, which Will describes as "The Boring Bits of Lord of the Rings". I am enjoying it. I've had some eagerness towards the National Parks in the United States, to the point that I have purchased a book on them written by a Robert Stirling Yard who was a great influence and contributer to their developments.

The forth book I have is The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell. This is part of me and my best friend's book club we're starting together. I'm really excited to engage with her on this.

Another book on the list is one I thought I would never listed here or even read. Often I found old dusty versions of John Buchan's books crammed on to shelves with little hope of seeing them vanish. But after being able to read a premise and get some context to this man, I have bough "Sick Heart River". I'm hoping its a nice transition from Muir to the next thought provoking nature induced read.

Everything after this is bonus, but I am looking forward to this pile. It is not so monstorous and does not make me feel unproductive.

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