Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Co-Writing and Getting into Character

Co-Writing and getting into Character
I used to write as though I would implode if I didn't. Then I let life get in the way. Now I wear a mouth guard when I sleep and every waking moment needs to be filled with radio or podcasts. There can't be silence, because if there is, I'd hear how quiet my muse has gotten. 

It's time to get back to it. Bust out the pen and paper and the innumerable notebooks I've accumulated over the years. I've dug out my meager collection of writing aids. Kinda like a sex aid for the brain, but really I just need to deal with the fact that practice and patience make perfect. Reading has gotten back on track. 

Time to get back, let the ink flow. Let the head run as it did. Make the pen bleed like it did…

So on Sunday I piddled away at 700 ish words, hoping to flesh something out and hand it off to my friend. Even if nothing is done together, at least we can spur each other on. Did I say together?
Oh yes, well my friend and I are trying to write something together. Co-write. It'll be even harder when I head overseas. Not harder really, as we're far apart enough now that the majority of our conversations are over messenger. 
The above books, by the by, are my first few ones, given or purchased by me before 2013. Well into the heat of my writing. I have a few more now. 
Notice: I'll be posting from now on Tuesdays and Friday. God help me, I've got a schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Co-writing sounds like fun and a terror; you have to meet your deadline else the other person is writing the book, but then think of the great books that have come from two different writers: Good Omens and The Expanse series . . . Good Luck!
