Words from a raving lunatic.
Its a thing, I suppose, that at a young age we're supposed to drop imaginary friends. We're supposed to grow up and get on with life by ourselves.
I didn't. But I passed it off as writing, it is writing, light hearted writing. Hobby writing. I made myself four characters and took them from my early teens, all the way to adult hood.
This doesn't mean I sat in corners as an adult, colouring the black vortex of hell, and whispering haunting quotes to passers by who bravely ventured a look over my shoulder.
It means that in the silent moments on the bus, when I've only got my music, I imagined I had a friend next to me. Not a pink elephant, though there is nothing wrong with that. Just a person. They weren't someone I knew in real life. That would have meant bending to the rules of said real person's personality.
Mind you I did add some supernatural elements, but why not? If my mind is a canvas, why would I limit my imagination to reality?
I've carried these four characters through nearly every event since early high school. On a lonely bus ride to university. On a first day in class when every face was a stranger. Or when life wasn't going right. I pretended to have someone by my side, someone to bounce ideas, or emotions off of. Someone stronger, or even weaker, but someone. They've grown with me too. The stories or scenarios I put them through represent the growing person and the growing woman. They reflected the changing personal landscape of my life and bore many of its worst scars for me, making it easier for me to face the next day.
I think Imaginary friends helped children cope with tough things in life and there's nothing wrong with an adult using the same thing, but in a more adult like context. I don't mean openly asking for advice to an empty (or not empty chair), I mean creating an internal dialogue, and thinking of various scenarios.
Perhaps its the writer in me, but when I get a silent moment, when I'm scared, its nice, as an adult to not feel alone, to feel for a second like there is someone out there. Its a story, and they are characters, and there is no harm in making me one of those characters.
I'm sure other people deal with things differently.
Perhaps that's what people who have a firm grasp on a religion do.